February 21, 2011

Redeeming Day 1

I have decided to start a count/list of days that we work past exhaustion to prepare for this new home. The plan is to "bank" the days now, then after all is said and done and we are moved into the new home, we will begin to draw back the days.
Meaning for each day we "worked like dogs" for our dream home, once we are in the "dream home" we will redeem those days by relaxing on the water, on the new porch, etc.
So, this is day 1.
Steve started at 7:30 am cleaning his study and worked til I got home from work. At that point he was in such pain, I gave him an "adult beverage" & aspirin and make him get off his feet to rest. While he "napped" I continued working in his study, fixing dinner, dog, etc.
We are both dead tired and have work tomorrow. He's already headed to bed, which is unheard of to get there before me.
So, Good Nite and God Bless!
Day 1 has begun!!

February 13, 2011

Here We Go.

After months of praying and "knee mail" we have decided to build on this new property we bought. We really did not know until this past month if we would really build, much less build now. But God opened many doors and showed us the way to make it possible. After several months and numerous hours of searching for the right house plans, we found a custom builder. With his architect we were able to design a custom build home created and designed just for this lot and all it's beautiful views.
Jan. 30th we got the final plans and pricing then headed off to ski in Breckinridge for a week. (Sort of our last vaca for the next year.) We returned cold and exhausted Sun and met with the builder and his contract Mon. the 31st. That is when we signed the official contract and began the permitting process.
As the week progressed we celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary that Fri. the 11th.
God has blessed us in so many ways and we look forward to this next adventure in our marriage.

Clearing Begins - November 2010

Land Before Us - October 2010

All About Us

We met in October of 1994, fell madly in love. Sixteen years later we find ourselves blessed to able to build our dream home on the water! God is Good.