June 29, 2011

June 29th

It's been one week and I am exhausted and totally overwhelmed!!
I have days that I really struggle with all this "building a house" stuff!! Some days, it just really wants to overtake me. I ride 10-12 miles each morning, trying to work off some of the stress, some days it helps, others...

After the rain, we started having issues with the framers, not showing, disagreements, hiring, firing, rehiring, death in the family, etc. It has just been one delay after another. So after my ride, I take a break at the prop and watch all the other workers drive past to their jobs, and not one shows for hours at our house. (see how the riding, sometimes is not very helpful)

Anyhow, after much prayer, I felt God's answer was for me to do what I do best, clean and serve. So, this week I have packed an ice chest with cold drinks and delivered fruit, donuts, granola bars, etc, each day trying to make it different and special. Then spend a few hours cleaning up boards, trash, etc. It usually takes everything out of me, but this is the answer for now.

Picking faucets, sinks, front door, etc has just been overwhelming. I have begun to have nightmares of having to move and crying because I don't want to! Shheesshhh!

Breathe in, breathe out, breath in, breath out!
More prayer!

Steve has his hands so very full at work, then has to oversee the engineer's plans on the house. He is the one that has found several things that the builders, framers, whoever overlook. I have been praying for him thru this entire process. He doesn't complain, but I see it is hard for him right now, too!

God help us thru this, we believe you brought us to this point, please keep us strong and unwavering throughout the project.

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